A Gracious Place

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Cold Shoes

Everyone talks about cold feet, but cold shoes? Monday I had to go to work (Baylor Hospital) directly after class. Consequently, I packed my work shoes, my lunch, and my book bag before leaving for school. I went to class, enjoyed my lunch and headed over to Baylor for work. I could not find my shoes anywhere. Which, wasn’t a huge deal, I figured I left them in the apt. in my haste to leave for school. However, when I got home (around 11 pm), my shoes were not where I expected them to be. Diedra usually tidies the apt. while I’m at work, so I figured she put them away. I went to bed. The next morning I asked her if she had seen my shoes. She had not. Now, I had no idea where they were, and was starting to get a bit concerned, not because my shoes are overly nice, but they contain some expensive, custom-made orthopedic insoles. Did I set them on the roof of my car? Did they get blown off and run over by a semi? These are the questions I pondered as I drove to the Seminary on Tues. In my usual routine, I took my lunch to the refrigerator (provided by the school), and noticed a familiar Target sack- my shoes! Apparently, I had packed my shoes in the same type of sack I had packed my lunch. At lunchtime on Mon, I grabbed by lunch, but left my shoes…in the refrigerator! I must be stressed out.