A Gracious Place

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Miss Mobility

80s Overalls3
Originally uploaded by dandeelines.
I went to grab the camera to take a pic of Miranda in these lovely green overalls of mine (poor thing has to model all of my old clothes) and as I was taking pictures of her she started rolling across the floor. So I went to grab the video camera and caught half of her trek on tape. She hasn't been rolling from her stomach to her back since she learned to roll onto her stomach. Three months later she puts them both together and rolls about 5 times consecutively across the floor. I think she has been practicing in her crib because I have been finding her in all kinds of positions in there. She just wanted to wait until she had it down to surprise me. Well, she sure did! I'm a proud mama. (Click on the photo to view more pics of her rolling in those snazy green overalls.)