A Gracious Place

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Jargon III

So, when trying to answer life’s questions, most people will look to these three main sources (Revelation, Tradition, Science/Reason) for answers. Now, as long as these sources agree with one another, everyone is happy. But when they start to disagree with one another, then you have to figure out which source is most trustworthy (or authoritative) for the particular question you are asking. Which source is going to be the “trump card?”

As we look at the history of western civilization, we can notice how these “truth sources” have enjoyed “trump status” when it came to seeking knowledge. Then we like to divide the time line accordingly.

Premodern Era- Divine Revelation is the main source of truth. Tradition helps us understand this Revelation. Reason is to be used, but not trusted, because reason is fallible. Priority: 1) Revelation, 2) Tradition, 3) Reason.

Pre-Reformation Era- Tradition is the main source of truth, Revelation is to be interpreted by tradition. Reason is still fallible. Priority: 1) Tradition, 2) Revelation, 3) Reason

Reformation Era- Due to an increased interest in studying the Bible in the original languages, translation into the common vernacular, and the invention of the printing press, the Reformers find contradiction between Tradition and the Bible. Tradition is trusted less, and the Reformers stress “sola scriptura” to restore the Bible to “trump status.” Reason is still considered fallible. Protestant priority: 1) Revelation, 2) Tradition, 3) Reason

Modern Era- Also known as “The Enlightenment” this era marks the rise of Science/Reason to “trump status.” The discovery that the earth revolves around the sun, and that the earth is a sphere, led to doubts as to the veracity of Revelation. Other influential philosophical critiques and scientific theories led to further distrust. More scientific method, more inventions, more technology, this era is marked by widespread optimism that man could indeed evolve using “pure reason” to eliminate all his problems. Priority: 1) Science/Reason, 2) Tradition, 3) Revelation

Postmodern Era- Two World Wars and a Holocaust deflated the Enlightenment of its optimism. The technology we used to perfect the world was now being used to murder. Something inside man is horribly wrong, and it will take more than science to solve our problems. On the one hand, this era is marked by a sense of pessimism, chaos, and meaninglessness. On the other hand, many are thankful that the “rules of science and reason” are no longer “trump.” Since all three sources of epistemology seem to have failed us, the postmodern era rejects and embraces all three.