A Gracious Place

Monday, September 19, 2005


I went to Starbucks in Old Town on Saturday to read John Owen. I was there from 12:00-3:00. Sometime around 2:00 we (those of us in the store) came to the public realization that eight out of ten of us were DTS folks (seven current students, and one grad). I know some people would be really annoyed by this, and are sick of seeing DTS people because they see them all the time on campus. I actually kind of like it. I’m from a relatively small town in Indiana, and you can’t go anywhere without bumping into someone you know. When we moved to Dallas, everyone everywhere was unfamiliar. So, when I bump into familiars, the city feels smaller, and more like a community. On the downside, however, I had to leave Starbucks earlier than I had planned because I could no longer read Owen’s complex sentences while hearing people chitchat in the background about professors, classes, and chapel.