Our Trip
How can it be the eleventh of January already? My, how the time flies. I’ve mentioned nothing about our great trip home for Christmas. We were home for about ten days, and we had a blast. Both of our families live in Goshen, IN, which is about 1000 miles from Dallas. We drove straight through, and it took about 17 hours both ways. Clear roads, no complications, praise God!
Half the week we were with Diedra’s fam. Highlights were: playing with the nephews, shooting skeet with my father and brother-in-laws, acting out Luke 2 in a Christmas production directed by Diedra, eating, talking, throwing snowballs, and more.
The other half of the week we were with my fam. This is really special, because we’ve spread out, and Christmastime is the only time we were all together in 2005. Highlights include: hot-tubbin’, Dad’s new corn stove, Eric and Leah’s rottweiler (Macy), eating, laughing, talking by the fire.
One night we were with the Gegner fam (very close friends), which has become a bit of an annual tradition. We enjoyed great food, playing with the kids, and talking with Joel and Kim.
As always, our brief time in G-town flew by, and we came home exhausted.:-) We love you all, and look forward to more good times!
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