A Gracious Place

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I got the broom!

On a less deep note, I had a Seinfield moment on Sunday...It all began as I was chopping celery and onions with my nifty Pampered Chef chopper. I won't go into details about the engineering of my chopper but it works by pounding the top of it with the palm of your hand. I think the directions say, "...repeat until your hand is red and swollen." Well, I was almost done, which was a good thing because Dan's buddies had just arrived for Bible Study, when in the midst of my pounding we heard another pounding. Dan went to answer the door, but there was no one there! Then someone said, "Maybe you got the broom". I said, "No, no, I didn't get the broom" and continued chopping. But then it was unmistakeable...pound...pound...pound...THE BROOM. I couldn't believe I got the broom on a Sunday at 7:30pm for chopping veggies! I have never gotten the broom before, and it kind of hurt my feelings, because I pride myself in being neighbor friendly. I guess the directions on the chopper should say, "...repeat until your hand is red and swollen or until you get the broom."