
Johnny and I have been avid conferees over the past couple weeks. As Academic interns at DTS, we can rack up hours (400 mandatory) by attending theology conferences. First, (11/11-11/12) we went to the Pruit Symposium at Baylor University in Waco. The theme was “Global Christianity.” The keynote speaker was Mark Noll, who wrote my history text! Last week (11/15-11/18) we went to the National Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Valley Forge, PA. This is unofficially and affectionately known as “the gathering of the nerds.” Fascinating really, to witness the presentation of theological research by conservative scholars from around the world. DTS was well represented, both by attendance, and by presentation. Johnny and I shared a room with one of our systematic professors, and that in itself was worth the plane ticket! A humble man, he graciously answered our millions of questions. Much more could be said, but alas, I must read.