A Gracious Place

Friday, September 28, 2007

Another Day, Another Milestone

Originally uploaded by dandeelines.
Today when I went to the grocery store I decided that since Miranda has been sitting up for two weeks now, she is skilled enough to ride in the cart like a big girl. She was so dwarfed in the big cart with the safety strap under her armpits and up around her chest. Not to mention, room enough on each side for another Miranda. I hope everyone at the store was so enamored by Miranda’s cute self that they didn’t notice our ensemble was lacking the cushy, protective, shopping cart cover. These things have become so commonplace that I almost feel like a neglectful parent for not having one. When I was registering for items I figured wiping down a cart with a antibacterial wet wipe with one hand would be easier than trying to get a slip cover on the cart with one hand. And don’t germs rub off onto the cover and then get all mixed up in it when you fold it up. So, to prevent germs you would have to take it off, put it in a plastic bag and wash it after each use? That sounds way too complicated. I did wipe it off with an antibacterial wipe…we'll see if even that lasts very long. Anyway, she was just the cutest thing. I wish I had a picture of it, but for now these will have to do.

Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Family Photo
Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Sunday Dress
Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

One of These Things is Not Like the Others...

Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

NO Swaddle
Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Originally uploaded by dandeelines.
Andie is enjoying solids, if you can really call them that. Here is her first taste of squash. She seems to prefer it to rice cereal. I don't blame her. She is a quick learner and more and more of it is being swallowed rather than pushed out by her tongue. At first I thought more was coming out than I was putting in...her saliva must add to the volumne or something. I'm glad she likes squash because I have enough cubes of it in the freezer to last her a couple weeks. I pureed it and froze it in ice cube trays- the perfect serving size. Next up...Green Beans!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy 6mth Birthday to Lil' Miss Miranda

6 mths
Originally uploaded by dandeelines.

Today Miranda is six months old. We “celebrated” this milestone by going to the doctor and getting 5 shots☺ I think she does very well when she gets shots. Her face turns bright red and she lets out a cry so hard it is practically silent...then I pick her up and she stops immediately…no need to be a drama queen. I put her in the car seat, gave her a blanket and her paci and she fell asleep on the way home- without even a peep. The doctor commented AGAIN on how Miranda is an “active” baby. “Activity” runs on Dan’s side of the family, so we are not surprised. It will be interesting to see how her little personality develops.

Right now she loves listening to music, playing peek-a-boo, trying to drink from a water bottle, and (of course) chewing on everything. Much to her parent’s dismay, books are not her favorite things right now (but that doesn’t keep us from reading them to her). She would much rather chew on them than look at them and since books aren’t easy to get into her mouth she gets frustrated.

I was in the baby toy aisle at the store the other day showing the toys to Miranda to see how she would react. Of course, she loved each one. I almost walked out of there with a cart full of toys until I remembered that if I would have handed her a shoe or paper bag I would have gotten pretty much the same reaction☺

Anyway, for all of the fam out there the stats from her appointment are: 15 lbs 6 oz and 27 inches long. She gained 2 ½ lbs and 1 ½ inches in two months. All this growing and we haven’t even started solids yet. However, tomorrow is the big day! We’ll let you know how that goes.

We are just so thankful to our Heavenly Father for the gift of Miranda Claire.

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