Thursday, January 31, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Dan and Miranda

Okay, I had a request for a picture of Dan when he was little. Unfortunately, the youngest decent picture I have of him is when he is about 2. Isn't he such a cutie!? I tried to pick a picture where they had the same facial expression. Yes, Miranda definitely is her father's child. They've got the same twinkle in their eyes. (The two other handsome fellows in the picture are Grandpa Blosser and Dan's brother, Matt.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tents & Kisses
Dan's off camping/watching deer (since it's the off season) with a friend. So Miranda and I did a little camping of our own. We made a tent. Unfortunately there really wasn't room for both of us in it at the same time. She's just getting so big;-)
The magazine rack in the background is the barrier we use to keep her away from the plants. She loves to pull up and stand by this thing. She also loves giving kisses now. It's so cute. She gives her stuffed animals kisses, her dolls kisses, the characters in books kisses. She even gives the lady on the back of the magazine (in background) a kiss. And of course she gives her mommy and daddy kisses. One time I was sitting beside her on the floor and she was standing by the couch and she just leaned over and gave me a kiss with no solicitation. It made my day. She is such a sweet baby.
"Mommy, Want a Cheerio?"
Miranda would rather feed me now at mealtime. She is not a big fan of being spoon fed ANYTHING anymore which makes mealtime lot longer and a lot more messy. I don't remember Miranda every touching her hair during meals in the past, but now that she is finger feeding herself bananas, mandarin oranges, cheese, green beans, cornbread...etc. it all goes in the hair.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Bella Not Amused
Well, Christmas has come and gone. A definite highlight was Miranda and Bella meeting for the first time. This picture cracks me up because Bella has a look on her face that says, "Can someone please get this girl out of my space".
Our whole family has been sick for weeks. And what energy I do have has been put towards chasing after Miranda and not letting the apartment stay in a constant state of chaos. So y'all will just have to be content with clicking on this picture to view more. There are pictures of Christmas and some of Miranda's new talents, pulling up to standing and climbing on boxes. I left Miranda's room to get her wash and came back and she was sitting ON TOP OF a huge diaper box. She's definitely enjoying being able to do big girl things.